UoL Teaching Center

The Universidad de Montevideo is a Recognized Teaching Centre of the University of London.

In addition to the UM degree, students from the School of Business Administration and Economics can obtain a BSc in Finance and a BSc in Business and Management from the University of London.

While the University of London is the awarding body, the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) is responsible for the academic direction of these degrees. UM students studying a BSc from the University of London are assessed under the same academic standards as LSE students. The University of London exams take place every year in May, and all the coursework and exam preparation are done by UM faculty members.    

Students from the UM School of Engineering can also be awarded a Graduate Diploma in Business Analytics or a Graduate Diploma in Data Science. The diploma is developed, examined, and assessed by expert academics at LSE.

Students from the UM School of Law can obtain a Graduate Diploma in Commercial Law. The Graduate Diploma is developed by academics from six outstanding University of London law schools, known collectively as the Laws Consortium.