Online Courses March-July 2021

International Students may choose any courses if they meet the prerequisites for the course. The course list may be updated as new information about courses becomes available.

Español, 4,5 créditos

Se analiza como las diferencias culturales pueden afectar la forma de hacer negocios. Durante el curso, se investigará sobre la naturaleza y las dimensiones de cultura, se evaluarán temas relacionados con la resolución de problemas entre culturas, el gerenciamiento de equipos multiculturales y liderazgo en distintas culturas.

Inglés 4,5 créditos

The Digital Marketing course explores several aspects of the digital marketing environment including a variety of topics  that define the so called Web 2.0.  Once completed, students will have a richer understanding of the foundations and skills needed to embrace the new digital marketing landscape.

Español, 6 créditos

El objetivo de esta materia es que los estudiantes comprendan el funcionamiento de las cadenas globales de suministro, y las estrategias exitosas. Con una metodología inspirada en ABP, se trabaja en equipos sobre casos reales propuestos por los estudiantes, o sobre el mismo Proyecto Final para quienes los estén cursando.

Español 4,5 créditos

El curso aborda las grandes líneas de la Historia Contemporánea. El objetivo del curso es la comprensión epistemológica de los grandes supuestos de la historia y de aquellas corrientes subyacentes. La materia introduce al estudiante en una reflexión entre su presente histórico y sus causalidades profundas y determinantes de su quehacer concreto. El curso tiene como objetivos fundamentales que el alumno tenga comprensión histórica y discernimiento para analizar las grandes corrientes filosófico históricas que lo determinan.

Español 4,5 créditos

El objetivo del curso es lograr que el alumno adquiera el dominio de la herramienta MS Excel a los efectos de aplicar los conocimientos en el resto de los cursos y su vida profesional. Se profundizará en funcionalidades avanzadas, herramientas de datos, análisis de hipótesis, previsión, tablas dinámicas, fórmulas matriciales y creación de macros.

Inglés, 2 créditos

This course offers students the opportunity to analyze significant recent films from Latin America, their social context and production conditions, and the national and transnational issues they shed light on. It provides the student with the ability to view films with a critical eye and to write about film as a way to explore important issues in Latin American culture, particularly in the Rio de la Plata region.

Inglés, 2 créditos

The aim of this course is to show the modernity of two nature-loving Anglo-Saxon writers: William Henry Hudson and Sir Geoffrey Jackson, who belonged to different historical periods of Anglo literature in the Rio de la Plata. The purpose is to highlight their awareness towards the preservation and care of nature. Hudson and Jackson share a particular sensibility towards the common man and his natural, cultural and physical environment, where contact with nature is central to their creative production. This is manifest in their writings about local fauna, flora, and the gaucho.

Inglés, 4 créditos

Latin America is diverse demographically, ethnically, geographically and economically. It was a continent born in blood and fire, in conquest and slavery. The course will unravel the complexities of a number of countries that, although diverse, share historical and cultural traits. Cándido Portinari combined Brazilian politics with post war art, Diego Rivera and his murals described Mexico’s history, Antonio Berni displayed the Argentinean working classes and the opening of factories. Uruguay’s Juan Manuel Blanes or “the painter of the nation” gained widespread recognition for his historical paintings and depiction of “gaucho” life.

Inglés, 2 créditos

Latin America is a tapestry in terms of history, culture and beliefs. This course gives an overview of the continent before its discovery, the formal uniformity brought by colonization in 1492 and the consequences of the independence process of Latin America countries, leading back to pluralism in the 20th and 21st Centuries, based on existent Jewish and Christian values embodied in the Human Rights International Law. Focusing on the right to freedom of conscience and religion as a fundamental human right protected by international and domestic law, the course will deal with current challenges and risks, and will work on trying to solve the actual or apparent conflicts- between freedom of conscience or religion and law, as well as the tensions between freedom of religion or belief and other rights, such as freedom of expression.

Inglés, 2 créditos

The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the deep roots of environmental problems around the world. Special emphasis is placed on those professional life tasks that require personal choices and effective results to improve sustainability. In this curse includes the sciences of communication and education, engineering, business, economics, and law. Using cases, teamwork projects, and group reflections, students will sharpen their ability to critically analyze real-life situations and make personal decisions.

Students will also acquire an instrumental understanding of basic tools: Global Sustainability Index, Carbon Footprint, Life Cycle Analysis, and common indicators for the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.

Español, 1 crédito

El curso pretende ser una guía para las personas que quieran invertir bien su dinero y así poder controlar su futuro financiero. Se profundizará en el ahorro, inversión y saber cuánto necesitaremos al jubilarnos, cómo lograrlo, qué hacer y qué no, cómo relacionarse con el mundo financiero. Porque nada de esto es solo un asunto de dinero. Se trata de la vida misma y del valor de nuestro trabajo.