Juan Francisco Franck in Czech Republic on Erasmus Staff Teaching Program

He taught philosophy at the University of Hradec Králové in the week of October 23
Juan Francisco Franck in Czech Republic on Erasmus Staff Teaching Program

Thanks to the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program, Juan Francisco Franck, professor of Philosophy at the UM School of Humanities and Education, traveled to the Czech Republic to teach undergraduate and graduate students at the Faculty of Philosophy at the University of Hradec Králové.

Since 2018, the Erasmus Program has allowed numerous students and professors from the University of Montevideo to carry out a valuable exchange between both universities. Franco González, who currently studies humanities, majoring in philosophy, is on an exchange semester at UHK.1Juan Francisco Franck offered sessions about our knowledge of the other person: theories of mind, the phenomenological theory of interaction, and a multidimensional approach to empathy. Professor Franck also lectured on the individual character and the relational dimension of individuals. His participation produced lively discussions in which both students and teachers participated. The hospitality and excellence of the members of the Department of Philosophy were the best climate for a new and fruitful exchange.

There was also an opportunity for informal meetings during a “Philosophical Walk” organized by the Faculty to welcome first-year students. A pleasant walk to a bar on the outskirts of Hradec and relaxed discussions added the seasoning of friendship necessary in these programs.

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