Online Courses and Programs


The Universidad de Montevideo offers a selection of online courses for students enrolled at partner universities for the semester August-December 2021. Students will have the opportunity to follow online courses that award study credits, thus avoiding the necessity of traveling abroad due to the COVID situation.

Students may choose any courses if they meet the prerequisites for the course. The course list may be updated as new information about courses becomes available. The Universidad de Montevideo reserves the right to cancel or make changes to the program if the required minimum of participants is not reached.

Please check beforehand that your home university approves online courses completed at the UM and that you can transfer the credits back to your home university degree. 


Collaborative Online International Learning is a teaching and learning methodology where faculty and students in any discipline use online technology for international collaboration. This methodology facilitates global exchange by giving educators the skills to link a class at one educational institution with another in a different country or cultural setting. The Universidad de Montevideo has been successfully implementing COILs since 2020. It is part of the International Strategy to expand this tool in all academic areas.

If you are interested in pairing up with a UM scholar to run a COIL project, please contact: